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Kreasikan Nama Kamu Menggunakan Adobe PS

Efek Ice for Your Text

Langkah pertama jalankan perogram adobe photoshop milik kamu dan kita siap untuk langkah pembuatan efek text seperti gambar diatas.
ikutin langkah2 berikut :

  • Buat layer baru dengan ukuran 800 x 400 pixel atau bisa kita sesuaikan sendiri. dengan backgroun color hitam.

  • Langkah kedua pilih filter>cloud trus tulis teks tepat di tengah layer tadi.

  • Setelah itu pilih majic wand tool (w) trus klik add to selection dan klik satu persatu huruf pada teks yang telah kita ketik tadi hingga terlihat garis putus2 mengeliligi setiap huruf.

  • Lalu hide layer teks tadi pindahkan pengerjaan ke layer background seperti pada gambar di bawah ini.

  • klik set background color lalu sesuaikan warna dengan background layer yang telah kita buat atau dengan kode warna # 5A5A5A.

  • Seterusnya pilih Filter>cloud untuk memberi warna pada selection yang telah kita buat tadi, dan atus keterangan warna pada teks sehingga bisa lebih jelas kelihatan dengan background.

  • Langkah berikutnya rubah rotasi layer pilih image>rotate canvas>900 cw.

  • pilih Filter>style>wind untuk mendapatkan efek pada tulisan. trus klik ok dan selanjutnya
    pada keyboard tekan ctrl+F untuk menduplikat style wind lakukan hingga 3 kali.

  • Trus kembalikan lagi rotasi layer seperti semula pilih image>rotate canvas>900 CCW.

  • Dan selanjutnya pilih filter>unshrp mask. atur dengan ukuran amount 500, radius 1 dan threshould 0.

  • Dan Teks menghasilkan efeck yang menarik seperti gambar di bawah ini. untuk merubah warna pilih image>adjusments>hue/saturation, jangan lupa klik kolom pada colorise atur warna sesuai dengan keinginan kamu.

Sehingga mengasilkan efek warna yang meraik sesuai keinginan kamu. lalu gambar selesai dan siap untuk di save.
Selamat mencoba dan semuga tutorial kecil ini bisa jadi manfat bagi teman2 semua. kita tunggu untuk langkah2 pembuatan efek gambar berikutnya.

FotoFlexer New Photo Editing Online

FotoFlexer is the world's most advanced online digital photo editor. It performs advanced effects previously only available to professionals using expensive software. FotoFlexer was founded by Arbor Labs, a team of graduate students and alumni from the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology, University of California at Berkeley.
  • FotoFlexer adalah Online Photo Editor canggih yang ada saat ini didunia (katanya seh gitu..) Dengan Kecanggihan dan Keprofesionalannya dapat membuat efek pengerjaan photo ketingkat yang lebih baik lagi dengan perangkat lunak. FotoFlexer didirikan oleh Arbor Labs, tim yang terdiri dari mahasiswa dan alumni lulusan dari Pusat Kewirausahaan dan Teknologi, Universitas California di Berkeley.

Photo Editing Online ini cukup baru dan pengunaannya lumayan gampang apalagi bagi anda yang pemula dan emang mo luangkan waktunya untuk sedikti bernarsis ria edit2 photonya, hehehe...... tunggu apalagi coba aja dech. Tidak Perlu registrasi dan tools yang ada pada fotoflexer cukup menarik serta mudah untuk di gunakan pada photo yang kita edit.

selamat mencoba yah, ini sekedar informasi ringan aja untuk kalian yang hoby edit2 photo.


From :

Drawing In 3D

Article By : yankodesign Drawing By : Lauren Argo

The Wacomvision is a three dimensional canvas for creating and viewing art, products, and models. Three dimensional paintings can be created and shared online. Brush size, pressure sensitivity, and brush type are customizable. Snapshots and videos can be taken of your artwork. In a business applications, imagine being able to walk around a concept car or viewing a model without a rapid prototyping lab, model making time, or money. Three dimensional models can be sent between clients to review work. Notes and requests can be marked and saved on certain areas of the models using the pen tool. You can also virtually render, paint, record, and capture views.

This product uses a state of the art virtual tracking system called IGPS Technology. This modular product has three transmitters that are wireless and placed around the edges of your 3D canvas. After the transmitters are automatically calibrated for each use, they use invisible infrared laser signals that create a three dimensional environment. The information is relayed back to the console and wirelessly transmitted for viewing through the virtual glasses.

A USB connection to the console allows for viewing of outside virtual models to be used as underlays. Multiple people can be linked to the same projection so you can work as part of a team. In order to bring up the interface, the button on the pen is pushed. The interface menu can be dragged and docked all around your environment. The button on the top right hand edge of the glasses can be pushed to allow for picture and videos to be taken.

CooL Photo Editing Online 3


From :

We bring you advanced online image and photo editing tools, just choose your flavor, jump in and start creating!

Pixlr is a online image editor, that means that you can upload your images and edit them in your browser. It is built in Flash and you need to have a Flash plug in to get it to work. Pixlr is built for non-professionals, the users that have basic editing needs. It's not for large RAW images or for printing. It is merely a tool for editing web images to be posted on blogs, news-sites, social networks like Facebook, Bebo, image sites like Flikr, Photobucket etc.

Swarna IDC Degree Show 2009

Besides hosting the usual buffet of seminars and workshops for their Swarna 2009 Degree Show, folks at Industrial Design Centre IIT Mumbai had a spectacular exhibition for their graduating class. Although I got to sift through the Industrial Design, Animation Design, Visual Communication and Interaction Design faculties, I naturally gravitated towards the ID section. Follow me to see the some of the innovative gems I discovered at the show.

G1 Car by Karthik Narayan
G1 or Jeevan in Hindi means life; this car is a hydrogen version that regenerates its own fuel. Mutant algae that produces hydrogen in the presence of light (with oxygen as a by-product), powers this car. A canopy on top of the car is where the algae reside, they do their bit when the car is stationary.         

Eco-friendly mobility solution for the future by Amey Dhuri
Urban spaces demand for cars that are compact.
have minimal turning requirements and parking space. This eco-friendly car is meant for two people and has some amazing features that address these two issues. The car controls are incorporated within the front wheels allowing either the driver or the passenger to drive the car. The car also boasts of a near-zero turning radius. For parking the car almost shrinks up to half its usual size, thus making it easy to park.
Personal Mobility Solution For the Future by Prajwal Ullal
A biker’s bike! Ah the speed-monster gets a chic look and some sensibilities, coz it offers two modes, the highway mode where you can trail-blaze to glory and the city mode where you can’t do much speed. Fancy the way the wheels come together in the parking stance, giving it a minimum horizontal footprint.

It was an enriching experience to interact with the students and professors of IDC. The main strength that shone through all the flaws of the show (nobody is perfect) was the communication of ideas and the phenomenal thought process of the teams. The Animation Design, Visual Communication and Interaction Design faculties put up a swell show as well, and I was impressed by the dedication and creative energy. 
If I must crib about one thing, then it has to be the lack of better renders by the ID students, their scale models reflected their efforts, but good supporting renders are a MUST!


Software Photo Editing for beginners.

Photoscape is the fun and easy photo editing software that enables you to fix and enhance photos.



Key Features :

Viewer: View your folders photos, slideshow 
Editor: resizing, brightness and color adjustment, white balance, backlight correction, frames, balloons, mosaic mode, adding text, drawing pictures, cropping, filters, red eye removal, blooming 
Batch editor: Batch editing multiple photos 
Page: Make one photo by merging multiple photos at the page frame 
Combine: Make one photo by attaching multiple photos vertically or horizontally 
Animated GIF: Make one animation photo with multiple photos 
Print: Print portrait shot, carte de visite, passport photo 
Splitter: Divide a photo into multiple parts 
Screen Capture: Capture your screenshot and save it 
Color Picker: Zoom in screen on images, search and pick the color 
Rename: Change photo file names in batch mode 
Raw Converter: Convert RAW to JPG 


Xara 3D

Create Your 3D image Here
Add impact to your web page with still and animated 3D heading, button and logos. with Xara 3D, you can create and endless variety of 3D graphic from true type font or imported 2D shapes, with simple controls to alter the extrude depth, lighting, bevel, color and texture, shadow and font size type. And there's a whole range of animation possibilities, including multi-page sequences and event animated 3D screensavers. Graphic are fully and aliased for the best possible one-screen quality and can be optimized for web use. xara 3D import WF/EMF, and Extreme files, and Export GIF, FLASH, JPEG, PNG, API or BMP.

Version 6.0 future redesigned interface. New design style include boards with holes and borders, new bevel type.